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Make Google screensaver controls work again RSS šim rakstam 
01:20:51 31/12/2008 iesūtījis hQuse - Sadaļa: Notes
I like Google screensaver. Because it have all most needed features - pan & zoom, slide show time configuration, feature to add various photo feeds and those picture controls, when you need to look one picture back or forward or just pause a slideshow. Best of all Google Screensaver is free and also simple to install.

To index "My Pictures" on my computer I use Picasa very often. Recently I have upgraded it from version 2 to version 3. Then I have noticed that my screen saver changed a "little bit". First it was impossible to preview my screensaver from Windows screensaver configuration window. There was only black screen about 2 seconds. Secondly - screen saver disappeared when I moved my mouse without showing me any controls at all. I have found some other complaints about this problem (google groupssome blog).

As Picasa 3 changed screensaver functionality (and it is GPhotos.scr file in the C:\Windows\system32 folder), I thought to change screensaver file back to version 2 somehow. I have downloaded Google screensaver version 2 without Google Pack from the blog link above.

It is possible to extract contents of MSI installation file to some folder. So I have extracted files and folders.

msiexec /a C:\gpscrsav.msi /qb TARGETDIR=c:\gphotos

I needed GPhotos.scr file (version 2) so I looked in extracted folders and found it in the folder Sys32Dir. I renamed "current" (v3) GPhotos.scr file in C:\Windows\system32 and copied GPhotos.scr (v2) from Sys32Dir there. 

I don't know how Picasa 3 is working now, but Google Screensaver controls and preview of the screensaver is working as before.

P.S. Information in this article is provided AS IS from my personal experience and I am not responsible for any damages it makes to your computer (in case of your stupidity).

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